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data room user's guide details

1- Click CUSTOMIZE to: choose the sender of the subscription messages, activate or deactivate the alerts on your messaging system, add your logo, define the welcome on each guest screen (a text and a photo). Save.

2- Click + 1 DATA ROOM. Indicate the name of the operation, duplicate from another target data room the titles of the folders of the new data room. Choose the rights of the guests: Consult and ask questions invisible to the other guests (multi-candidate presentation).

Click + 1 DATA ROOM. Indicate the name of the operation, duplicate from another data room if necessary the folder titles of the new data room. Choose the rights of the guests in this data room: View and add documents visible to other guests (shared collection) or View and add documents invisible to other guests (partitioned collection) if it is embarrassing for one guest to see what the others are adding . Optionally change the text in the watermark block.

3- Click DOCUMENT FILING FOLDERS then ADD A FOLDER to create one or more first level folders. Validate. The folders appear on the data room management screen with a button CREATE A SUB-FOLDER to click to create sub-folders to this folder (then sub-sub-folders, etc ...). You can change the order of the folders by clicking DOCUMENT FILING FILES: drag and drop the folder concerned.

4 - Click ADMINISTRATORS then ADD ADMINISTRATOR to create a data room administrator. The data room administrator has access to all the data room control buttons. Indicate his name / name / email, optionally the organization. Enter his invitation message and save it as a standard email for future administrator invitations in your subscription. Prompt.

Pilot the administrator accesses with the pictograms: click on the password and give the administrator access to the concerned data room (the reverse deletes the existing access), but only after SAVE MODIFICATIONS. Click on the pencil to modify the name, first name, organization or email of an administrator on all the data rooms he administers. Click on the trash can to delete an administrator on all data rooms of the subscription.

6 - Click INVITES then ADD GUEST (S) to open an access to the data room. Indicate his email and optionally his first name, last name and organization. Click ADD ANOTHER Guests to add several guests. Choose if your guest will have screens in French or in English. Enter his invitation message and save it as a data room email for future guest invitations in this data room. Prompt.

7 - Click ADD MESSAGE / DOCUMENTS. Fill in (optionally) a title and / or an alert message. Add the document (or up to 100 documents, by holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard, or the CMD key on Mac) with possibly a dynamic confidential watermark and / or blocking download. Choose the folder for filing the documents. Send only to administrators or validate and make it visible to everyone (you also have the option to save as a draft). Choose the type of email alert: none, the title and content of the message, the message and the documents attached to the email (the data room access button is always at the bottom of your guest's alert email).

8 - Click ADD CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE. Select the recipient of the confidential message, optionally add a title, the content of the message and possibly documents. Validate (or save as a draft). Choose the type of email alert: none, the title and content of the message, the message and documents attached to the email (the data room access button is always at the bottom of your guest's alert email).

9 - Create a linked data room by clicking + 1 LINKED DATA ROOM. Indicate the name of the data room, duplicate from another data room the titles of the folders of the new data room. Choose the rights of the guests in this data room: View and add documents visible to other guests (Shared collection) or View and add documents invisible to other guests (Partitioned collection) if it is embarrassing for one guest to see what the others are adding . Optionally change the text in the watermark block.

A linked data room is a new data room attached to the same operation. It shares the name of the operation. Linked data rooms share the same top banner with their specific names to easily switch from one to the other (the order can be changed by dragging).

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11 - A document can be accessed by unfolding its filing folder or by entering letters of its title in SEARCH A DOCUMENT. Its addition is signed and time-stamped. To view a document, click on and to download it on To modify a document, click on its name or a characteristic and modify: its title, its visibility, its level of protection (green padlock, yellow for watermark or red for watermark and blocked download), its classification file.

12 - Select the concerned documents, click on then,

Click DELETE and then Deletion Confirmed to delete the documents.

Click MODIFY to modify the titles, visibility, protection level, filing folder of several documents.

Click DOWNLOAD to download multiple documents.

13 - Create a linked data room by clicking + 1 LINKED DATA ROOM. Indicate the name of the data room, duplicate the titles and contents of the folders in the collection data room and choose Name of the authors of the hidden documents. Choose the rights of the guests in this data room: View and ask questions invisible to other guests (Multi-candidate presentation) or View and ask questions visible to other guests (Single audit team). Optionally modify the text of the watermark block.

14 - Click INVITES. Pilot the guest accesses with the pictograms: click on the pass and give the guest access to the concerned data room (the reverse deletes the existing access), but only after SAVE MODIFICATIONS. You send an invitation message (click ADD WITH MESSAGE) or you invite without a new invitation message (click ADD WITHOUT MESSAGE). A green picto tells you if your guest has logged in or not to the data room. Click on the pencil to change his name, first name or organization and on the trash can to delete a guest from all data rooms.

15 - Select the unnecessary folders or sub-folders and click on their trash (if it is only some documents, select them by checking their square at the end of the line, click on then click DELETE).

16 - Click TRACABILITY. Three files in xls format are added in the "Unclassified document (s)" folder with the status Administrators (invisible to guests): Contents to date (with the list of visible documents), consultations to date (with the time-stamped list of guest consultations), access to date (with the list of guests who have had access to the data room with the dates of arrival and departure of each).

17 - The exchanged messages are classified in chronological order and each addition is signed and time-stamped. To visualize the messages, click on the green arrow then on the green arrow of the concerned message to visualize the detail of the message and access the attached documents.

18 - Click COLLECT ALL DATA ROOM to send all messages and documents from the data room in a password protected zipped file. You will transmit the chosen password to the purchaser through another secure channel.

19 - Click DELETE DATA ROOM to permanently delete the entire data room. The deletion is guaranteed and there is no possibility to recover its content.

20 - Connect to the data room from or from your site (if you have set up the link on your site). If you have forgotten your password, click FORGOTTEN PASSWORD. Your password is the same for the data rooms you have created and those in which you have been invited.

21 - The list of operations with their data rooms appears on the welcome screen: those you have created and those in which you have been invited (SHARES THAT ARE OPEN TO ME). The list of operations you have created is displayed in chronological order. For each operation, click on the pencil to change its name, on the trash can to delete the operation with its data room (s). Click on the button of each data room to access its management screen.

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22 - Click MY SUBSCRIPTION for:

Modify the subscription information (email, first and last name of the subscriber, billing email and address), change the payment method or change your credit card, change your password, consult the general conditions, cancel your subscription.

Follow your consumption with a summary of the use of the subscription. Click on COLLECT ALL USERS to get the list of users of the subscription (guest (s) and administrator (s)) with their data room (s).

View the next billing date and the applicable scale.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

23 - In the data room management screen, click on MODIFY to modify the name of the operation or the data room, the rights of the guests, the text of the watermark.

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